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Auxiliary Contact Block CTXmini, 3NO, 1NC 10A 240VAC, frount mount, CTXmini, Legrand
Auxiliary Contact Block CTXmini, 3NO, 1NC 10A 240VAC, frount mount, CTXmini, Legrand

CJ2M-CPU15| PLC, 60k steps progr., 32k words data memory, 32k words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB progr. port, 3 expansion racks max., Omron
Image is illustrative
CJ2M-CPU15| PLC, 60k steps progr., 32k words data memory, 32k words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB progr. port, 3 expansion racks max., Omron
Code: 392395
Price (indicative)
€642.80  /pc
Manufacturer :
21 days
0.248 kg/pc
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CPU CJ2M-CPU15, 60k steps progr., 32k words data memory, 32k words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB progr. port, 3 expansion racks max., Omron

Performance Specifications


Items CJ2M-
User Memory 60K steps
I/O Bits 2,560 bits
Overhead Processing Time Normal Mode:
CJ2M-CPU1[]: 160 μs *
* The following time must be added when using EtherNet/IP tag data links for the CJ2M-CPU3[].
100 μs + (Number of words transferred × 1.8 μs)
The following time must be added when using Pulse I/O Modules with a CJ2M CPU Unit:
10 μs × Number of Pulse I/O Modules
Execution Time Basic Instructions: 0.04 μs min.
Special Instructions: 0.06 μs min.
I/O Interrupts and External Interrupts Interrupt task startup time: 31 μs
Return time to cyclic task: 10 μs
Scheduled Interrupts Minimum time interval: 0.4 ms (set in 0.1 ms increments)
Interrupt task startup time: 30 μs
Return time to cyclic task: 11 μs
Maximum Number of Connectable Units Total per CPU Rack or Expansion Rack: 10 Units max.;
Total per PLC: 40 Units max.
  Basic I/O Units No limit
However, a maximum of two CJ1W-INT01 Interrupt Input Units can be mounted.
Special I/O Units Units for up to 96 unit numbers can be mounted. (Unit numbers run from 0 to 95. Units are allocated between 1 and 8 unit numbers.)
CPU Bus Units
CJ2M-CPU1[]: 16 Units max.
Pulse I/O Modules 2 Units max. *
* Supported only by CJ2M CPU Units with unit version 2.0 or later. A Pulse I/O Module must be mounted.
Slots for which interrupts can be used Slots 0 to 4 on CPU Rack
Maximum Number of Expansion Racks 3 max.
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